Graduate Student Association

Strengthening the Graduate Experience at UMB

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) meets monthly with representatives across the University of Maryland, Baltimore campuses to advance the needs of graduate students across all disciplines and departments. The GSA collaborates with student organizations and departments campus-wide to enhance graduate student opportunities by organizing the annual Graduate Research Conference, administering achievement awards and funding to individuals and groups, as well as hosting networking and social events.


Hosted by the Graduate Student Association of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, the GRC provides students and postdoctoral fellows with a unique and dynamic setting that facilitates the exchange of information and ideas across all UMB schools via oral or poster presentations. The top poster and top oral presenter for each session will be given an award, as decided by a panel of faculty and professor judges.
Join us in the exchange of ideas across all UMB schools.

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Individual and Group Funding Through the GSA

The GSA gives several awards for outstanding mentors, travel, and research. Additionally, student groups can request funding from GSA to hold events or support other activities.

Our Goals and Objectives

We serve as liaisons to the faculty and administration of the Graduate School and create a forum for students to communicate concerns and ideas while also providing a platform (or safe space) for open discussion of matters affecting graduate students' lives. 

The GSA meets the first Wednesday of the month (August through June) from 5–6 PM. Meetings are open to all students, regardless of whether or not they are a program representative, though a quorum (1/2 + 1 program representative) must be present for formal proceedings to occur. Only representatives may vote. If you are interested in attending GSA meetings, please email the Secretary at to be added to the email list.

Each program determines a representative and an alternate, either through an election, volunteer, or appointment by the Program Director or Coordinator. For a list of current program representatives or if you are interested in serving, please contact the Secretary at You can still attend monthly GSA General Body meetings without being a program representative.

The GSA has six standing subcommittees, along with other special interest subcommittees as needed. Each representative must serve on at least one subcommittee during the academic year, and each subcommittee must comprise at least three representatives. 

The GSA votes on student group funding requests and Executive Board positions, as well as other issues such as the formation of new subcommittees and approving (or modifying) the GSA budget. Each of these requires a simple majority vote of the present representatives (a quorum, or 1/2 + 1 of the total representatives, must be present for any vote). Only one representative per program may vote. Typically, this is the primary representative. The alternate representative may vote if the primary is absent. Amendments to the Constitution require a 2/3 majority vote rather than a simple majority.