
The Tiri Scholarship admissions committee will not be accepting new applications this year. Admission applications for the scholarship will resume in Spring 2026. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to check back for updates in the future.


The University of Maryland School of Graduate Studies is pleased to announce the launch of the Henriatta Selle Tiri Scholarship Program for University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) international affiliate and UMB associated local organization staff.

The competitive full-tuition scholarship program began in 2019 to provide an opportunity for members of the university community living and working outside of the United States to have access to the School of Graduate Studies’ online degree programs.

The Henriatta Selle Tiri Scholarship Program awards full scholarships to students enrolled in the University of Maryland School of Graduate Studies’ online M.S. in Health Science or M.S. in Global Health academic programs. Students in the M.S. in Health Science will select from concentrations in Aging and Applied ThanatologyGlobal Health SystemsResearch Administration, Research Ethics, Science Communication, Implementation and Dissemination Science or Integrative Health and Wellness. Students enrolled in the M.S. in Global Health will select from concentrations in Implementation and Dissemination Science or Global Program Monitoring and Evaluation.

This scholarship is named in honor of Henriatta Selle Tiri who tragically lost her life on March 25, 2021. Henriatta was about to graduate from the M.S. in Health Sciences with a concentration in Implementation and Dissemination Sciences May 2021 and her degree was awarded posthumously.