Shani Fleming, PhD, MSHS, MPH, PA-C
Associate Professor
Shani has devoted her career to promoting cultural humility and addressing social justice within the healthcare community. Fleming holds significant clinical experience as a physician assistant (PA), including working in family medicine, adolescent medicine, infectious disease, and urgent care.
She teaches in the University of Maryland Graduate School PA program, Intercultural Leadership certificate and MSDEIL program. Fleming represents the faculty of the School of Graduate Studies as a member of the President’s Diversity Advisory Council. Fleming has tremendous experience in academia, developing curriculum maps, course and instructional objectives, learning outcomes, and assessments aligned with program milestones, competencies, and graduate outcomes. She has Quality Matters certification for online learning management systems and experience teaching many online and web-enhanced courses. She is considered a diversity and inclusion leader within national and state organizations, reaching thousands of underrepresented racial and ethnic high school and college students advocating for inclusion, diversity, and equity in PA education. She advocates for faculty of color within PA programs and encourages inclusive and just environments for faculty, staff, and students. Dr. Fleming received her PhD in language, literacy, and culture from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.