Job Board

Research administration job opportunities in the greater Baltimore, Maryland area and beyond.

Institution or Organization Position Job Type Application Location
June 5, 2024

Harvard University

Research Portfolio Manager

Full Time

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Cambridge, MA

June 5, 2024

Harvard University

Finance and Grants Coordinator

Full Time

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Cambridge, MA

May 24, 2024

Stony Brook University 

Grant Proposal Development Specialist

Full Time

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Stony Brook, NY


The UMB Graduate School does not endorse or recommend employers, and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. The university explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about job listings or the accuracy of the information provided by the employer. The university is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions or any other aspect of off-campus employment or pre-employment screening without limitation. It is the responsibility of job seekers to perform due diligence in researching employers when applying for or accepting jobs.

Note: Job postings are updated regularly and remain online until filled. 


Are you looking for skilled/certified workers to complete your workforce? Please fill out our submission form.