Palliative Care Chat Podcast

Palliative Care Chat™ is a podcast series hosted by Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, PhD, BCPS, FAAHPM, professor and executive director of advanced post-graduate education in the Department of Practice, Sciences, and Health Outcomes Research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and director of the online PhD, MS, and Graduate Certificates in Palliative Care program.

The podcast is designed for health care professionals who are interested in hospice and palliative care, particularly those who may be interested in enrolling in the online MS in Palliative Care and Graduate Certificates program.

Latest Episode

Episode 84: Special Series: Founders, Leaders, and Futurists in Palliative Care with Judy Knudson, MS, PA-C, BSN

Please join this special series of Palliative Care Chat, a discussion between Constance Dahlin, MSN, ANP-BC, ACHPN, FPCN, FAAN, and Judy Knudson, MS, PA-C, BSN. Download the episode 84 transcript.

Previous Episodes

Visit our SoundCloud channel to listen to all previous episodes of Palliative Care Chat. Podcast transcripts are available upon request (

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