Dean's RISE Award

The Graduate School Dean’s Award for Research, Innovation and Scholarship Excellence (RISE) provides small seed grants to full-time faculty to promote scholarship and other creative activities. For this grant opportunity, research and scholarship are defined broadly to include scholarship of discovery, integration, community engaged research and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

The maximum award amount for any recipient will be $10,000 (dependent on availability of funds).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates for this award must be faculty from the Graduate School with a minimum of a .50 FTE appointment. Applicants with a rank of Associate Professor and below will be given preference.
  • The proposed project must demonstrate commitment for collaboration and mentoring of junior faculty or graduate students. Interprofessional and interdisciplinary proposals will be given preference.

Application Requirements

Candidates should submit a proposal of no more than five (5) pages (single-spaced pages at size 12) by August 30, 2024.

The contents of the proposal must include:

  1. Project title
  2. Principal investigator’s names, titles, and contact information
  3. Project summary (No more than 250 words)
  4. Project narrative with no more than 1500 words (brief background information, statement of the problems, research question, methodology and analytic plan)
  5. Significance/potential impact
  6. Dissemination plan
  7. Timeline
  8. Logic model
  9. References
  10. Proposed budget and justification, not exceeding $10,000
  11. Applicant’s CV or Resumes (not included in the five-page limit)
  12. Letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor/head of department/unit (not included in the five-page limit)

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Project significance, potential impact, and alignment with UMB, mission, vision and values
  • Clarity of research question, methodology and analytic plan
  • Realistic scope, feasibility, and potential for successful execution within 18-24 months
  • Candidate’s potential to lead the project
  • Project potential to grow into a long-term scholarly/research agenda
  • Evidence of collaboration and opportunities for mentoring
  • Budget justification

Terms of Grant

Funds should not be used in buying computer hardware.

Awardees/recipients are expected to give a presentation and submit in a report at the end of the project not exceeding 24 months.

A completed application and supporting documentation should be uploaded to the Graduate School Grant submission portal no later than August 30, 2024.