Interested in pursuing more training or finding more information on career sectors?

There are many opportunities at UMB to expand your training through workshops, seminars, and classes. If you have any specific questions about these opportunities feel free to email the SNAC president.

Institute for Genome Science (IGS) Workshops

IGS offers a variety of workshops to develop better bioinformatics and analytical skils for students, postdocs, faculty and staff. They are offering student pricing on these workshops starting in 2016. Here are a list of available workshops.

IGS also offers courses that are available to students and postdocs still eligible to take them that focus on many of the same areas.

Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO)

TEDCO is one of the largest funding bodies in the state of Maryland in supporting early stage start up companies. They continually have events that are aimed and informing and progressing entrepreneurs towards their goals of creating a successful company. More can be found on their website linked above but be sure to stay up to date on their upcoming events page.

SNAC is sending 4 lucky applicants to this years TEDCO Entrepreneur Expo. Our winners have already been chosen and we will be putting up pictures and stories to recap the event!

Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute (MTECH)

Stemming from the University of Maryland, College Park location, MTech now has a presence in Baltimore. They offer free entrepreneurship hours at the Institute for Marine and Environmental Technology (iMET) in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. Check out their entrepreneurship hours once a month for free advice on intellectual property, marketing, financing, basic business operations, and more from local experts. Best of all did we mention its FREE?

One non-academic career path for scientists that has been growing in recent years has been in the field of patent law. Since the late 2000's many articles have been written talking about the transition of STEM graduate degree holder into law (1 2 3). There are many paths that scientists can take to find a successful career in this sector. A common place to start getting experience is at the University's Office of Technology Transfer which handles patenting and licensing of new inventions. There also exists a large Technology Transfer department at the NIH which offers internships as well. UMB's Office of Tech Transfer is integrated with another program called UM Ventures that oversies new inventions and start up companies coming out of the University. 

Law firms also hire scientists for their scientific knowledge to breed them into patent agents and potentially patent attorneys as well. Here is an example list of law firms that have a tract for scientsts/engineers to enter following their graduate degree: