Alicia and Yaya Aging Impact Research (AIR) Grants

The Alicia and Yaya Initiative in Global Aging Research (AYY), a unique collaboration between the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and the University of Costa Rica (UCR), is strategically designed to catalyze innovative aging research, addressing the significant societal implications of this rapidly evolving field. AYY was created to foster meaningful contributions from both universities, leveraging expertise, capabilities, data, and participants.

There are two types of AYY funding mechanisms: the Development Grant and the Seed Grant.

The Development Grant

The Development Grant is for funding up to $10,000 to create the initial framework for future partnership and collaboration. Development Grants are awarded to projects that build a UMB/UCR partnership that can later apply for a Seed Grant or other extramural funding mechanisms. Funds awarded under the Development Grant stays at UMB but can be used to fund travel by UCR faculty and staff.

The Seed Grant

The Seed Grant is for funding up to $50,000 to enhance existing partnerships between UMB and UCR researchers, emphasizing international, comparative, and bidirectional research. The Seed Grant requires both UMB and UCR investigators, and funds must be disbursed to both universities.