Completion of the Health Professions Education Leadership graduate certificate program will require taking the four following 3-credit courses listed below:

HPE 610: Theoretical Foundations of Teaching and Learning in the Health Professions (3 Credits)

HPE 625: Instructional Strategies in the Health Professions (3 Credits)

HPE 660: Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation (3 Credits)

HPE 850: Advanced Teaching Seminar (3 Credits) 

This course will provide a macro view of health professions learning, from the curriculum theory perspective. Modules will focus on major concepts, trends, issues, and conditions for curriculum design and development.

The course will cover both theoretical and applied aspects of statistics for use in social sciences and educational research. Students will learn about fundamental statistical concepts, scales of measurement, describing data (exploratory data analysis), the normal distribution and probability, the logic of hypothesis testing, elementary research methods, t-tests, chi-square test, and non-parametric tests. The course will emphasize the use of these methods and the interpretation of results using education and health sciences applications.

This course is designed to introduce students to the history, principles, and methods of qualitative research including field-based, description, and discovery-focused qualitative methods germane to educational research and program evaluation. This course will aid learners in conducting qualitative research and evaluating research studies. The course will cover the theoretical and multi-disciplinary origins of the method as a contrast to methods using quantitative data and experimental studies of phenomenon. We will examine the family of research strategies that fall under the paradigm of qualitative inquiry (such as ethnography, narrative analysis, visual methods, phenomenology, and grounded theory), and practice the qualitative interview and coding process.

The Impact Institute is a hybrid intensive for academic credit, designed around the primary objectives of the HPE program: interprofessional and cross-cultural education and teaching, educational leadership, and research. Each day of the intensive course will focus on different interest areas within these themes. Learners will select, engage with, and complete assignments that align to the themes and further their research. The Impact institute will help learners deeply examine topics and experiences through a more intensive, reflective, educational lens with their peers from many professions

Participants in this course will develop proficiency in engaging in critical appraisal of research in the field of education. This course addresses foundational competencies for generating pertinent research questions and conducting academic reviews to facilitate participants contribution to the body of knowledge within evidence-based education and improve outcomes when practicing in the field of health professions education.  

This course will cover the process of integrating quantitative and qualitative methods in research, with an emphasis on its application in health professions education research. The course will explore various conceptualizations of mixed methods design, developing research questions, as well as collecting, analyzing, integrating, and reporting data.

Educational Leadership Concentration

This course is designed to create a community of scholar-practitioners working together to explore a variety of constructs, principles, and models of leadership and to apply that learning to current, and future leadership experiences and opportunities. The course encourages a scholar-practitioner analysis of these experiences/opportunities with focused application to academic and professional goals of students. Students are expected to draw on learning from prior life experiences, and new learning acquired in this course to complete the course activities and produce products that focus on context-based problems in urban educational organizations (or others) and demonstrate evidenced-based leadership strategies for leveraging change.

This course will provide a macro view of leadership in the health professions, from the leadership theory perspective. Modules will focus on major theories, approaches, trends, and issues, in leadership.

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