Educational Objectives

Program Description

The MS in health professions education will consist of seventeen courses with a total of 32 credits. The instruction will occur entirely online.

Program Completion Timeline

  • The degree is designed for completion within two academic years, and its online format increases its accessibility to students.
  • Participants can start the program in the fall term only.

Educational Objectives

Completion of the MS in Health Professions Education will allow students to:

  1. Articulate how people learn and the strategies that achieve effective learning processes and outcomes.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in curriculum design, delivery, and evaluation.
  3. Demonstrate evidence-based teaching and assessment methods at the course or program level.
  4. Work effectively in interprofessional teams.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to apply analytical skills to improve educational programs and institutional effectiveness.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to formulate research questions and prepare a research prospectus using appropriate research methodologies. (Educational Research Concentration)
  7. Demonstrate academic and executive-level administration and leadership skills needed to lead higher education programs, institutions, agencies, and organizations in the health professions. (Educational Leadership Concentration)

Next Steps

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