Completion of the MS-HPE program will require taking 9 core courses, plus 2 courses in one of two areas of concentration.

HPE 610: Theoretical Foundations of Learning in the Health Professions (3 Credits)

HPE 615: Foundations in Statistics for Social Sciences Research (3 Credits)

HPE 620: Evaluation and Synthesis of Literature (3 Credits)

HPE 625: Instructional Strategies in the Health Professions (3 Credits)

HPE 660: Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation (3 Credits)

HPE 605: Curriculum Theory and Analysis (3 Credits)

HPE 800: Innovations in Health Professions Education (2 Credits)

HPE 840: Educational Program Evaluation (3 Credits)

HPE 870: Capstone in HPE (3 Credits)

HPE 725: Qualitative Research Methods (3 Credits)

HPE 760: Mixed Methods Research (3 Credits)

HPE 670: Leadership Theory (3 Credits)

HPE 710: Leadership in Higher Education (3 Credits)

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