Meet and Confer (M&C)

Meet and Confer (M&C) is a policy established by the University System of Maryland (USM) whereby administrators of each institution within USM must meet with graduate assistants (GAs) at least semesterly. Meet & Confer is a forum where GAs can formally raise concerns with University administration on a wide variety of topics including stipends, student health insurance, campus parking & transportation, equity, and campus safety. For more detailed policies and information regarding Meet & Confer, please see the official guidelines from Academic Affairs

At UMB, the Graduate Assistant Advisory Committee (GAAC) currently holds M&C monthly. GAAC is chaired by the current GSA President and comprises GSA Program representatives. M&C is typically attended by UMB President Bruce Jarrell; Dr. Roger Ward, Provost, Executive Vice President; Dr. Kenneth Wong, Dean of the Graduate School; Dr. Erin Golembewski, Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School; and Dr. Dawn Rhodes, Senior Vice President and Chief Business and Finance Officer. 

Importantly, Meet & Confer is not a collective bargaining agreement. This means that the administration is under no legal obligation to address the concerns raised at these meetings. 

If you have a concern you would like raised at M&C or are interested in serving as a student representative on the GAAC, please email the GSA President at

For full transparency, meeting minutes from past M&C forums are included below. A summary of the discussion at the most recent M&C and a call for agenda items for the upcoming M&C are also presented at our monthly GSA meetings, which all students are welcome and encouraged to attend. You may also pass on any items you would like discussed at a GSA General Body Meeting, related to Meet & Confer or otherwise, by contacting your program representative