Services and Resources

Services and Resources

Older adulthood is a normal stage of life. Like any stage, changes resulting from both intrinsic and extrinsic factors occur. While our aging trajectory may be influenced by genetics, our environment and choices also affect our quality of life and longevity. Services and resources aimed at optimizing the aging experience exist in our local communities, as well as at the state and federal levels.

Geriatrics & Gerontology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore: This link takes you to the gateway to educational programs and research centers at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). The site also includes a comprehensive calendar of educational workshops and conferences offered throughout Maryland that are sponsored by UMB’s Geriatrics & Gerontology Education and Research (GGEAR) Program.

Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education: The Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) pursues the advancement of gerontology and geriatrics education in higher education worldwide. In addition to conferences, workshops, and publications, AGHE offers resources and consulting services to assist with program development and recognition. 

Age-Friendly University Global Network: The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is pleased to be a member of the age-friendly university (AFU) global network. UMB recognizes the value of older persons to the university and the broader community and is committed to support aging in a positive and healthy way. Learn more about the UMB initiative here.

American Society of Consultant Pharmacists: The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) is a membership organization for pharmacy professionals and students attending to the unique medication needs of older adults. ASCP offer education, resources, and innovative opportunities that empower pharmacists to promote healthy aging through optimal medication management so as to improve health outcomes in later life.   

American Society on Aging: The American Society on Aging (ASA) aims to cultivate leadership, advance knowledge and strengthen the skills of persons working with and on behalf of older adults. ASA is a resource for education, training and information on aging-related issues.

Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work: The Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW) provides leadership and assistance to social work educational programs and professionals in order to advocate for the integration of gerontological content in undergraduate and social work education. AGESW advocates for the teaching of gerontology to all social workers, as well as the development of both short and long-term perspectives in relevant curricular developments.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers introductory curriculum intended to increase awareness of the impact of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, as well as the role of public health. 

Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware Geriatric Education Center: The Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware Geriatric Education Center (EPaD GEC) is dedicated to developing engaging and impactful training and educational tools for health care professionals, faculty and students who are currently involved or interested in geriatric care with an interprofessional focus. EPaD GEC curriculum is based on team concepts, evidence-based research, and current geriatric issues/trends and includes rural and African American patients.

GeriatricsCareOnline: Educational materials from the American Geriatrics Society (AGS). Products include books and guides, training materials, webinars, and interactive virtual activities.

Geriatric Age-Simulation Activities: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill created this website that links to older adult case simulations on topics such as acute pain, pressure ulcers, falls, urinary incontinence, and COPD.

Geriatrics as a Profession: The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) explains geriatrics as the healthcare specialty dedicated exclusively to providing high-quality, person-centered care for older adults. Geriatrics healthcare professionals include doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, social workers, and many others with unique skills for evaluating and managing health and care for older men and women. This AGS website provides an overview of the geriatrics, as well as information on training requirements, board certification, and the core competencies.

Geri-ED: Geri-ED is a platform for free web-based geriatrics and gerontology educational material and training modules developed by University of Maryland, Baltimore faculty.

Health Communication with Older Adults: This publication includes resources including the “Can You Hear Me Now” AMA Health Literacy Video, “Can You Hear Me Now Health” Communications Activity Instructors Guide, “Can You Hear Me Now” Health Communications Activity Slides, “Can You Hear Me Now” Health Communications Case – MrsP, and Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit. The activity was prepared by University of Maryland, Baltimore faculty with the goal of increasing student interest in geriatrics and exposing health profession and social science students to skills needed to interact with older adults. 

Reframing Aging Initiative: Supported by eight national aging organizations, this long-term social change endeavor is aimed at improving public understanding of what aging means and the many ways that older people continue to contribute to society. The initiative relies on tested strategies and evidence-informed tools that have been found to reduce implicit bias against older people.

Substance Abuse: Substance abuse in later life is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. The resource linked here is offered as a guide for treatment providers.

Consumer Guide to Long Term Care: The Maryland Healthcare Commission developed the Consumer Guide to Long Term Care as an online resource to services that can be received in your home or that are available in the community. These services include at-home skilled nursing care; rehabilitation services, such as physical and speech therapy; assistance with activities of daily living, housekeeping and chores, and meal preparation.

Maryland Access Point: Maryland Access Point (MAP) is the Aging and Disability Resource Program in Maryland. It is designed to assist individuals with long term care needs and their caregivers identify and locate services in their community. MAP is a centralized, single point of entry for access to the services provided by state agencies such as the Department of Aging, the Department of Human Resources, the Department of Disabilities, as well as other private, public, and community-based resources.

Maryland Commission on Aging: A division of the Maryland Department of Aging, the Maryland Commission on Aging is a proactive body that provides statewide leadership on diverse senior issues and advocates for practical solutions. This site links to information for each Maryland county.

Maryland Department of Aging: The Maryland Department of Aging oversees the delivery of programs, services, and benefits through Maryland's network of nineteen local Area Agencies on Aging. This website is your gateway to these agencies, as well as programs and services for older adults. Maryland programs and services include senior medicare patrol, the state health insurance program (SHIP), the senior call check program, as well as community wellness & nutrition programs and long-term services and supports, including Maryland’s Community for Life program.

Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland: The mission of Meals on Wheels is to enable people to live independently at home through the provision of nutritious meals, personal contact, and support services so that they may age in place with dignity.

Mental Health Association of Maryland: The Mental Health Association of Maryland (MHAMD) Older Adult Program addresses the need for widespread education and advocacy regarding mental wellness and the aging process. MHAMD offers resources, workshops, and important programs aimed at improving the landscape of mental health for older Marylanders.

West Baltimore Community Engagement Center: The University of Maryland, Baltimore Community Engagement Center (CEC) positions the University’s people, resources, and scholarship toward helping improve the lives of its West Baltimore neighbors and partners with them in sustaining and accelerating progress toward community goals. Initiatives include development of strategies to engage older persons. For more information, contact the CEC at 410-706-8260.

"The assessment tools included below are designed to be used by health professionals and are not recommended for use by a lay person. If you are not a health professional, we encourage you to discuss the tools with your health care provider(s).

American Psychological Association: The American Psychological Association (APA) provides links to resources to assess common concerns in both older adults, including cognitive assessment tools, and care providers, including the Zarit Burden Interview – a tool designed specifically to reflect the stresses experienced by caregivers of persons living with dementia. 

Assessment Tools in Geriatrics: This personal website of geriatrician Dr. Robert S. Stall, MD and supported by the University of Buffalo links to tools often used in assessing concerns common in later life. There are tools linked are peer-reviewed and assess cognitive ability, driving, functional ability, hearing, home safety, mood, neurologic function, nutritional status, overall health, pain, palliative/hospice care, psychosis, quality of life and urinary function. 

ConsultGeri: ConsultGeri is the evidence-based clinical website of the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing. It is your gateway to tools validated for use to assess/screen for a variety of geriatric topics, including depression, activities of daily living (ADLs), alcohol & substance abuse, instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), cognition, fall risk, hearing, and age-friendly health systems.

Montreal Cognitive Assessment: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MCoA) test is a validated and most sensitive tool available to assist healthcare professionals detect cognitive impairments very early on, allowing for faster diagnosis and patient care.

Practicing Physicians Education in Geriatrics: The Practicing Physicians Education in Geriatrics developed the linked toolkit to support community-based physicians and other healthcare professions providing care and services to older persons. The toolkit includes screenings for memory, depression, urinary incontinence, heart failure, persistent pain, falls, and information related to clinical preventative services.


Health Decisions Policy: The Maryland's Health Care Decisions Act supports advanced care planning for medical situations in which a person may not be able to speak for him/herself and encourages health care professionals to give the best possible care to people with advanced illness. The Maryland Attorney General’s Health Decisions Policy website offers valuable resources for these and related initiatives and activities, including advance directives, legal advice on end-of-life care, state advisory council on quality care at the end of life, and policy study on Alzheimer's disease care

Maryland Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division: Older adults are often targets of crimes such as telemarketing scams, financial exploitation, and elder abuse. The Maryland Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division website provides important information on recognizing threats and how to protect yourself or loved one, as well how to report should you/your loved one become a victim.

Maryland Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment: Developed by the Maryland Department of Health, the Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) website offers educational materials regarding the MOLST form and information on upcoming training programs.

People’s Law Library of Maryland: Increased longevity means that, for some older adults, there may come a time when someone else may need to make decisions regarding medical or financial affairs. The People’s Law Library of Maryland is a valuable resource for information about adult guardianship, a court-appointed agent who is legally responsible for making medical/financial decisions for a person who is unable to make responsible decisions for self and has no alternative, such as a general financial power of attorney or a health care power of attorney.  

Alzheimer's Association: The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization dedicated to the care, support, and research associated with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.  This website provides information, tools, and resources for those working in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia care. Users can also search by zip code for their local Alzheimer’s Association chapter for access to practical, up-to-the-minute information that will empower care providers and families to manage the disease more confidently, effectively, and economically.

American Dental Association: The American Dental Association (ADA) provides information for dental health professionals providing for the needs of older adults. This information is a good supplement to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention older adult oral health information for professionals, care givers, and older adults.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Initiatives through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) include the Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging Program (AD+HAP). AD+HAP supports development of evidence-based, scientific information to educate, inform, and assist with translating research into public health practice. It links to a wealth of health-related information and services to support older adults, care providers, and health care practitioners, including information about the Healthy Brain Initiative and depression in later life.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). CMS administers Medicaid, Medicare, and the Health Insurance Exchanges programs and empower patients to work with their doctors and make health care decisions that are best for them. CMS encourages providing consumers meaningful information about quality and costs so that they can be active health care consumers. Innovative approaches to improving quality, accessibility, and affordability, while finding the best ways to use innovative technology to support patient-centered care are central foci of CMS.

MedlinePlus: MedlinePlus provides information from the National Library of Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It provides high-quality, relevant health and wellness information at no cost to the user.

National Council on Aging: The National Council on Aging (NCoA) is a national leader in the promotion of aging well. NCOA empowers people with initiatives and online tools designed to improve health and economic security. Signature programs include BenefitsCheckUp®, My Medicare Matters®, and the Aging Mastery Program®. 

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