The AYY Seed Grant is for funding up to $50,000 to enhance existing partnerships between UMB and UCR researchers, emphasizing international, comparative, and bidirectional research. The Seed Grant requires both UMB and UCR investigators, and funds must be disbursed to both PIs and institutions.
Seed Grants support researchers in developing and amplifying innovative projects within various domains of aging research, including clinical, psychosocial, behavioral, epidemiology, public health, and bench science areas. This could encompass a wide range of areas, from the biological processes of aging to the socio-cultural and psychological aspects of growing older. The grants should generate preliminary data or evidence of feasibility for larger studies and impactful publications. These awards may also facilitate the incorporation of community partner organizations into the research projects.
The applications are closed for 2024. When applications are reopened, it will be advertised widely.