12th Annual International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia Regional Conference

A tray of Japanese food

Today was our first full day in Japan! In the morning we had time to explore. Myself, Ben, and Euna spent the morning getting breakfast. Then we went for a walk along the river and explored the Display Museum. While this was advertised as a museum it was actually a shop with all of the supplies someone would need to build a display. I learned that fake food is extremely popular in Japan, especially for restaurant’s display cases!

The weather was very humid and rainy; I have never seen so many umbrellas being used! In the afternoon our entire group reconvened, and we headed over to the 12th Annual International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia Regional Conference, where Flav, Taka, Mio, Sara, and Peiyuan presented at their poster sessions. Overall, it was a wonderful day to spend exploring the area and start our trip here!

Bronwen Hall
Masters of Nursing and Public Health Student at UMB

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