
Fellowship Opportunities

The AAAS Leshner Leadership Institute is an initiative of the AAAS Center for Public Engagement with Science and Technology, started in 2015 in honor of CEO Emeritus Alan I. Leshner, who founded the Center.

Each year, a cohort of 15 AAAS Leshner Fellows from an area of research at the nexus of science and society will convene for a week of intensive public engagement and science communication training and public engagement plan development.

AAAS Leshner Fellows will return to their institutions with a renewed commitment to develop and implement public engagement activities, train and mentor other scientists in their communities, and promote public engagement within their institutions.

Learn more about requirements and eligibility here. 

AAUW American Fellowships fund women scholars who are completing their dissertations.

AAUW’s American Fellowships program has been in existence since 1888, making it the oldest noninstitutional source of graduate funding for women in the United States. The program provides fellowships for women pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research full time, or preparing research for publication for eight consecutive weeks.

The Chateaubriand Fellowship is a grant offered by the Embassy of France in the United States. It supports outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who wish to conduct research in France for a period ranging from 4 to 9 months. Chateaubriand fellows are selected through a merit-based competition, through a collaborative process involving expert evaluators in both countries. Fellows selected will receive the benefits of a monthly stipend, health insurance for the entire duration of the fellowship and a round-trip ticket to France.

The Chateaubriand Fellowship in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Biology-Health (STEM) for doctoral students aims to initiate or reinforce collaborations, partnerships or joint projects between French and American research teams. This fellowship is offered by the Office for Science & Technology (OST) of the Embassy of France in partnership with American universities and French research organizations such as Inserm and Inria. It is a partner of the National Science Foundation’s GROW program.

The call for applications for the Chateaubriand Fellowship is open every year from October to January. You can find more specific information on the requirements for each subprogram.

FDA invites outstanding health care professionals, scientists, and engineers to apply to its two-year Fellowship Program, where they will receive regulatory science training and the chance to conduct cutting-edge research on targeted scientific, policy, or regulatory issues under the mentorship of an FDA senior scientist. The fellowship program is open to US citizens and International applicants.

Each class of fellows in the FDA Commissioner's Fellowship Program consists of outstanding health care professionals, scientists, and engineers who receive regulatory science training and conduct cutting-edge research on targeted scientific, policy, or regulatory issues under the mentorship of FDA senior scientists. Please see the FDA Student, Fellowship, and Senior Scientist Programs website for information on other FDA Student, Fellowship, and Senior Scientist Programs.

The Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.

Prospective applicants should carefully carefully the eligibility requirements, the terms of the fellowship awards, application instructions and other information pertaining to the individual fellowship (PredoctoralDissertation, or Postdoctoral) for which they are applying.

In addition to the fellowship award, new Ford Fellows are invited to attend the Conference of Ford Fellows, a unique national conference of a select group of high-achieving scholars committed to diversifying the professoriate and using diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.

PathwaysToScience.org has postdoc and early career opportunities posted on the site, including postdoctoral fellowships, grants, travel awards, mentoring opportunities, and more.

The mission of the Institute for Broadening Participation is to increase diversity in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. Since 2003, IBP has connected underrepresented students with STEM funding and research opportunities, and has provided faculty and administrators with tools and resources to help promote the positive factors that keep underrepresented students on the STEM pathway into successful STEM careers. We design and implement strategies to increase access to STEM education, funding, and careers, with special emphasis on diverse underrepresented groups. We believe that diversifying the STEM workforce is the best way to ensure our nation's economic vitality and solve global challenges

Browse the full list of opportunities here

Pharmacology/toxicology awards support career development activities of scientists embarking on research that integrates information on molecular or cellular mechanisms of action with information on the effects of an agent observed in an intact organism, in experimental animal or clinical studies or both.

Highest priority will be given to applicants whose research will attempt to integrate information on a drug or chemical’s mechanism of action at the molecular or cellular level with a drug’s effect in a human or laboratory animal. Applicants should describe the significance of a hypothesis being tested in the context of potential influences of biochemical, physiological, behavioral, or social systems.

These awards intend to encourage multidisciplinary training to apply the perspective of molecular, cell, and systems biology to pharmacology and toxicology research. Their scope includes basic drug action studies, detection of cellular responses to drugs at the gene level that create opportunities to optimize individualized drug therapy, and the corresponding evaluation of pharmaceuticals in human and clinical populations.

Complete application materials must be sent to egole001@umaryland.edu by August 4, 2020.  UMB will nominate one student for the fellowship.

The PMF Program is a flagship leadership development program at the entry level for advanced degree candidates. It was created more than three decades ago by Executive Order and has gone through many changes over the years. The Program attracts and selects the best candidates possible, but is really designed with a more narrow focus - developing a cadre of potential government leaders. It provides some sustenance during the first years of employment and encourages development of leadership capabilities. The PMF Program inculcates a lasting bond as well as a spirit of public service, ultimately encouraging and leading to a career in the government.

The 2021 PMF Application is tentatively set to be held in the fall of 2020. Please monitor the website for updates.