Graduate Council

The joint Graduate Council oversees the joint academic and research resources of University of Maryland Baltimore and the University of Maryland Baltimore County.

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The Council of Graduate Schools notes that graduate program review has five general purposes: quality assurance, quality improvement, accountability, identification of strategies for improvement, and provide the institution with information for prioritization of resources. Reviews share certain key characteristics:

  1. Program review is evaluative, not just descriptive. It requires academic judgments about the quality of the program and the adequacy of its resources. It goes beyond assessment of minimum standards to subjective evaluations of quality by peers and recognized experts in the discipline or field.
  2. Review of graduate programs is forward-looking; it is directed toward improvement of the program, not simply assessment of its current status. It makes specific recommendations for future changes, as part of the long-range plans of the institution, the department, and other coordinating units.
  3. Programs being reviewed are scrutinized on the bases of academic strengths and weaknesses, not on their ability to produce funds for the institution or generate development for the state. Finances and organizational issues are relevant, but only as they affect the quality of the academic program.
  4. Program review is an objective process. It asks graduate programs to engage in self-studies that assess, as objectively as possible, their own programs. It brings in faculty from other institutions to review the self-studies and to make their own evaluations.
  5. Graduate program review is an independent process, distinct from any other review. Data collection and parts of the self-study may often serve a number of review purposes. However, to be effective, graduate program review must be a unique, identifiable process that stands on its own, draws its own set of conclusions, and directs its recommendations to the only individuals with the power to improve graduate programs: the faculty and administrators of the institution.
  6. Program review results in action. Based on the reviewers’ comments and recommendations, as well as the program faculty’s response to the review report, the institution develops and agrees on a plan to implement the desired changes according to a specific timetable.

Incorporating these characteristics, successful graduate program review answers the following questions:

  • Is the program advancing the state of the discipline?
  • Is its teaching and training of students effective?
  • Does the program meet the institution’s goals?
  • How is it assessed by experts in the field?

At UMB Graduate Program Review includes an internal self-study and an on-site review by an external site team.

Nikita Aggarwal, Graduate Student Association

John Basile, School of Dentistry

Erin Golembewski, Sr. Associate Dean of Graduate School

Kenneth Wong, Dean of Graduate School 

Mathangi Gopalakrishnan, School of Pharmacy

Bill Jackson, School of Medicine

Bethany Lee, School of Social Work

Eun-Shim Nahm, School of Nursing

Abraham Schneider, School of Dentistry

Roger Ward, Provost and Executive Vice President

Niya Werts, Graduate School

Jill Barr, Sr. Associate Dean, Graduate Enrollment

Adam Bargteil, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Sebastian Deffner, Physics

Jeffrey Halverson, Associate Dean, Graduate School

Minjoung Kyoung, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Jennifer Maher, English

Andy Miller, Geography & Environmental Systems

Lisa Portis Morgan, Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs

Steve Pitts, Psychology

Ethan Post, GSA Representative

Nirmalya Roy, Engineering and Information Technology

Janet Rutledge, Dean of Graduate School

Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Biological Sciences

Katherin Schlegel, UMBC

Lisa Morgan, UMBC

Jamila Savage, UMB

2020-2021 Graduate Council Meeting Dates

September 10, 2020

October 1, 2020

November 5, 2020

December 3, 2020

February 4, 2021

March 4, 2021

April 1, 2021

May 6, 2021

September 2020 DOCX Minutes

October 2020 DOC Minutes

November 2020 DOCX Minutes

December 2020 DOCX Minutes

February 2021 DOCX Minutes

March 2021 DOCX Minutes

April 2021 DOCX Minutes

May 2021 DOCX Minutes

September 5, 2024

October 3, 2024

November 7, 2024

December 5, 2024

February 6, 2025

March 6, 2025

April 3, 2025

May 1, 2025